Best Facebook Ad Strategies for Ecommerce Marketing

ecommerce marketing

When it comes to ecommerce marketing, there are three things that you would need more of, and  constantly: more conversions to increase your sales, relevant traffic to your website, and sales from your existing customers.

Facebook Advertising can help you get all these and more.

Never used Facebook for Ecommerce Marketing? Here is why you should:

  • Facebook has more than 20 billion users who remain active month after month.
  • Facebook delivers the largest number of online shopping orders
  • 152% is the typical ROI you can expect from your Facebook Ads.

Are you willing to forego this wonderful ecommerce marketing opportunity by not advertising on Facebook?

If yes, you can stop reading this post right away.

If your answer is ‘No,’ you are about to uncover a few wonderful Facebook Advertising strategies that you can use for driving more traffic, improving conversions and getting your customers to purchase more from you.

Making Use of Dynamic and Multi-Product Ads

You must have come across customers who browse through your ecommerce site but hesitate to make those purchases. There may be even those who abandon their shopping carts midway. So, how do you bring back these customers once they are gone? You can do so by putting up Dynamic Product Ads on Facebook. These would be tailored to your customers based on their activities on your site. All that you may need to do to monitor their activities is to install a conversion tracking pixel on your checkout page. You could use Multi-product ads to include more products in a single ad. This way, every time they logon to Facebook, which they will do at least once a day, they will see all those products that they missed buying from your website. You can also use this highest ROI ecommerce marketing strategy to remarket your products to existing customers.

Running General Retargeting Campaigns

On an average about 72% of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts before completing their purchases. If you don’t retarget these customers, not more than 8% of them would come back to finish what they started. On the other hand, if you retarget through Facebook Advertising, you can bring back at least 26% of these abandoners. Retargeting campaigns are said to be much more powerful when compared to the standard advertising campaigns.

Using Lookalike audience to find new customers

Our past experiences teach us a lot. In the same way, the past customers of your business let you know a lot about the characteristics of your new customers. You can create Look-alike audience using the data from your conversion-tracking pixel. Once you do this you will be able to tailor your ads based on their interests and attract new customers with similar interests. Facebook algorithms make it possible for you to find new customers who may have similar interests and demographic characteristics, as your existing customers.

Using Facebook for ecommerce marketing can help promote your products in a cost-effective way. That’s not all – you can also use Facebook ads to communicate your brand story. In fact you could create a series of such ads or upload a video for better results. This will not only establish you as a genuine brand, it will also help you strengthen your relationships with your target audience.

A professional service like Adaan can help you maximize your ecommerce marketing returns through Facebook Advertising. Our social media marketing experts can make it work for you in a hassle-free and cost-effective way. Why not give it a try?


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